Applicable Packages
Lite Plus Max Shop

Note: The drag-and-drop feature is not currently available in Internet Explorer/Edge due to bugs in this browser. We hope to be able to make drag-and-drop available in a future version of Edge.

Most options can moved by dragging and dropping them. Options containing columns cannot be moved by dragging and dropping, but they can still be moved by copying and pasting.

To move an option, click on it and hold the mouse button down. After a short delay, the page is dimmed and the mouse pointer changes, as shown in figure 1.

Figure 1. the mouse pointer when dragging

As you move the mouse around, places where the option can be dropped are highlighted and the mouse pointer changes, as shown in figure 2.

Figure 2. a highlighted location

If you let go of the mouse button while a location is highlighted, the option will be dropped. If the mouse is over the top half of the highlighted location, the option will be dropped above it. If the mouse is over the bottom half of the highlighted location, the option will be dropped below it.

The mouse pointer shows whether the option will be dropped above or below, as shown in figure 3. The pointer on the left means the option will be dropped above. The pointer on the right means the option will be dropped below.

Figure 3. the mouse pointers when dropping