Applicable Packages
Lite Plus Max Shop

When changing the colour of text, colour blocks, or Twitter profile widgets, you can choose from a palette of colours that was set up when your site was created.

To edit the colour palette, go into edit mode, click the Panels button on the toolbar, and click the Colours button, whose icon is shown in figure 1.

Figure 1. the Colours icon

The Colours panel will then open in a new browser tab, displaying the current colour palette at the top and a colour picker below it.

Adding colours

To add a new colour to the palette, use the colour picker, as shown in figure 2, to choose the colour and then click Add this colour.

Figure 2. the colour picker

Note that colour palette is loaded at the time you enter edit mode. After adding a colour you will need to exit edit mode and then enter again in order to be able to use the new colour.

Deleting colours

To delete a colour, click on its swatch and then click Delete this colour. After deleting a colour, all content on the site using the colour will revert to its default colour.