Applicable Packages
Lite Plus Max Shop

You can configure settings for customer accounts by clicking Settings in the shop admin panel menu and then clicking Customer accounts. Some of these settings are useful for trade-only sites, where you do not want the general public to have access.


Whether to allow customers to browse your shop without logging in.

Whether customers should be prompted to enter their company name when creating an account. If you sell mainly to businesses, it’s a good idea to prompt for this information when customers create an account. If you sell mainly to the public, hiding the field makes it simpler for customers to create an account — any customers ordering on behalf of a company can still enter the company name as part of the billing or delivery addresses.

Age restriction

Whether customers must be a certain age — for example, if you are selling age-restricted products such as fireworks. If enabled, customers enter their date of birth when creating an account or checking out as a guest, and will be prevented from continuing if they are too young.

Account approval

Whether new accounts must be approved before the customer can log in. You will be notified when a new customer applies for an account. You can approve accounts through the Customers page.