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The heading component, whose option icon is shown in figure 1, creates a heading element.

Figure 1. the heading option icon

Headings and search engines

Headings on websites are not just larger or more prominent text; they are explicitly indicated by invisible pieces of code called heading elements (often incorrectly called heading tags). Words that appears within heading elements have a greater effect on ranking within search engines than words that appear in normal text. However, this effect is relative to other text on the page, so a page where all the text is a heading will be treated the same as a page where none of the text is a heading; this prevents heading elements from being abused.

Editing headings

The text in a heading component can be edited in the same way as a text component. Above each heading component is a heading bar, as shown in figure 2.

Click on the heading bar to open the heading window, as shown in figure 3.

The heading window lets you choose a heading level. The h1 level should be used for the main heading on the page, the h2 level for sub-headings, and so on.

Click OK to apply the changes to the heading level. Click Cancel to return to the page without changing the heading level.