Applicable Packages
Lite Plus Max Shop



You can enable the reviews feature to collect product reviews and share your customers’ experiences. This can help to build trust in your products and encourage more sales, as many shoppers rely on social proof to guide their buying decisions.

Enabling reviews

You can enable reviews by clicking Reviews in the shop admin panel menu, and then clicking Enable reviews. Once reviews are enabled, you can browse pending, approved, and rejected reviews through this page.

Approved reviews will be shown on product pages, along with a button for customers to write a review.

You can also choose to display products’ average ratings on category pages and in the top section of product pages.

Approving or rejecting reviews

You will receive a notification e-mail when a customer submits a review. This e-mail contains a link to a page in the shop management panel where you can approve or reject the review. You can also access this page by clicking the Details link next to any review shown on the main reviews page.

Click Approve review to approve the review and display it on your site. Click Reject review to reject the review; rejected reviews will be deleted after a week.