You can manage categories by clicking Categories in the shop admin panel menu.
The category list
The category list initially shows the categories at the top level of your shop:

You can rearrange the order in which categories are shown by clicking on the arrows at the left of the rows and dragging the rows up and down. Click Save to save the order of the categories.
To edit a category click Edit on the appropriate row. To delete a category click Delete on the appropriate row. To create a category click Create new category and then edit it in the same way as described below.
The product list
Click on a category name to move into that category. When viewing the contents of a category, a breadcrumb trail is shown above the subcategory list. Below the subcategory list is the product list:

You can rearrange the order in which products are shown by clicking on the arrows at the left of the rows and dragging the rows up and down. Click Save to save the order of the products.
To duplicate a product click Copy on the appropriate row. To edit a product click Edit on the appropriate row. To delete a product click Delete on the appropriate row. To create a product click Create new product and then edit the new product.
Editing a category
When editing a category you can change the following settings:
Category code
The category code used in the import/export feature. If you are not using the import/export feature you can leave this blank.
The category name.
An optional description, which will be shown to visitors above the category contents.
An image representing the category. This is usually a photograph of one of the products in the category.
Parent category
The parent category. Changing this will cause the category and all of its subcategories and products to be moved to another location within the shop.
SEO title
The title for search engine optimisation purposes. See the SEO metadata help page for advice on creating good titles.
SEO description
The description for search engine optimisation purposes. See the SEO metadata help page for advice on creating good descriptions.
Set to Public for the category to be listed in the shop. Set to Unlisted for the category to be hidden from navigation and shop category listings, but still be accessible to anyone who knows its address (in the same way as when hiding pages). Set to Private for the category (and its subcategories and products) to be entirely inaccessible.